I understand what it’s like to have people treating you like your something to use. I know what its like when you take time away from your own life only to have people take advantage of it. I have put my heart into something to make it the best it can be only to feel that no one has noticed. I have burned myself out over all these things.
I have learned that you must learn to say no every now and then. Otherwise people will take advantage of you. This is easier in my position as the leader of the crew. But people need to know that you are there because you want to be, not because to have to be.
It may seem like you are barely keeping up with the speed of life, but it impossible to keep up with life if you don’t take the time to live. Don’t stress over the deadlines, don’t stress over the appearance, don’t stress over relationships. Take time to live, take time to pray, take time to talk.
It may take a lifetime to find the truth and light; but it should not have to take a lifetime to show our loved ones how much we care about them. Our lives have become consumed by the worldly definition of personal that we no longer know our true emotions. It has become too easy to hide behind the curtain of Facebook or Twitter. Don’t get me wrong I use social networks all the time. I have met friends that I would have never had the pleasure of meeting. It is sad to say however that our true friendships have become less personal because of this ability. Yes you can meet people on a social network and call them your friend, but do you really know them? We even hide from the people that we hang around with in the real world. Instead of talking to the person to find out more about them and allow your relationship to grow, we go online to that person’s info to find out how you can change to make that person like you. Love does not exist online, it is only in the real world that you can get to know a person and allow your relationship to evolve.