The gates are open. It's 46 degrees at Washington Pass and cloudy. The forecast says it's going to get up as high as 70 in the Methow Valley. There's also an increasing chance for rain (60% tonight/tomorrow), but the freezing level is supposed to stay way up (6,000 ft.)
Bare and dry pavement (okay - there's some wet spots from melting snow), right now.
Enjoy your trip!
Jeff Adamson
Thats right Hw. 20 is now open, as usual I drove across after the gate opened. At Washington Pass the road was lined with walls of snow 10ft high; significantly less than last years opening. Just below Washington Pass a small slide came down that was being cleared as I wen't through. The road was clear all the way to Winthrop. The weather was nice and warm all across the mountain passes.