Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cascades in Flight

Today I spent the afternoon flying across my second home, the mountains. I have never seen the Cascades in such a way before. When you see the sheer size and numbers of the peaks out in my backyard, you feel really really small.
We took off from the Lynden airport and then headed first to the end of the river road, where a surprise was waiting for Ken VanRooyen. Standing on top of his house was Tim Scholten.
This was a surprise because Tim had just returned the day before from a year long trip to Germany! Ken had no idea that Tim had returned, that is until he saw the German flag flying on top of his house.
Flying across this area of the world really put into perspective that I have barley scratched the surface of the summits that lay in my backyard. We flew in and out of valleys and over peaks that would take days to climb.
We navigated a section of the Pacific Crest Trail that we have completed a few year ago; what took us seven days to walk took us
five minutes to fly! Mountain peaks that I have summated drifted beneath my feat like blades of grass. I thought I felt small when I stand on top of a mountain peak, but that dose not compare to the feeling I got when in the air.

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