Sunday, November 15, 2009

Navigating Emotions

I love the mountains, I love the tranquility of them. I often retreat to them when I need to get away from life. My life is far from tranquil, its full of schedules, projects, hardships, emotions and demands.
I have realized that it is foolish to hide in a happy place when life throws something at you. It would be nice if we had a off switch to our emotions, but we would cease to be humans created in God's image if we had the ability to do this simple task. God wired us with permeant emotions. I am grateful for this, yet I must say that these emotions confuse me.
Life is confusion, a confusion left for us to interpret into meaning and signal. The problem is when the translation doesn't line up with your personal feelings. We tell ourselves that the translation is wrong or missing, but the fact is that life can not be translated.
Looking at a map of the surrounding terrain can be helpful to plot a course. If however you don't know your current position it can be downright impossible. I have been wandering through life this way, with no location and no compass. When I plotted a course it led me to the wrong point. Although beautiful you must leave this point and plot a new course. It seems the true course is the overgrown trail that has not been taken for years. You are certain that it is impassable, but because it leads in the general direction you are traveling the decision is to follow where it leads. It is a risk, will this lead you farther into the brush, or take you to an oasis.

I wish life had a GPS system, complete with preloaded waypoints. To keep me from wandering over a cliff or into a rushing torrent. But life uses maps that I must mark myself.

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